Home’s life

Life at home is okay. I guess. I spent most of my days at school, so I normally go home by at the end of day, changing to comfortable clothes and start doing something absolutely nothing or absolutely important. *cough* EXAMS *cough* Anyways, I’m the only child so I don’t really have anybody else to talk to once I arrive home.

Normally, I would read or start doing some homework which I normally procrastinate. I love reading through my phone. I’m neat but I’m clumsy. So I would not trust myself with actual books and paper. Another thing I like to do is to listen to music. Out loud, really. My room is decent, not too big, not too small. Just the way I like it. I do things better when I’m half distracted. Yeah..

On the weekends, its different. I had a backbone operation last December so things that I normally do when I’m healthy is kinda different. Normally, when I’m healthy I jump out the bed at 6 am and do things before my entire family awakens. Now, I wake up at around 10 am lazing around in my own bed. My parents and my family members or sometimes friends have things planned for me. And normally, I would go with it. Sometimes if my parents mentioned that we have to stop by their office, as long as I have my phone I will not complain. Call me typical, but I love my technology. *shrugg* Oh and the charger too! And earphones.. and 3G. I do hate staying at home on the weekend so I would find a way to escape. Don’t get me wrong though, I get tired easily considering.. pills. I got like a entire stack of purple pills. Sigh.

When I have nothing important to do, I insist that I stay home. Although if I know I can have a opportunity to go to my grandparent’s house I would. And I will. My grandparent’s house is like a second home, considering the unlimited amount of yummy desserts my grandma prepares for me. Although, I could never trust it as a place to study or do homework because I might doze off to sleep. Staying at home is great, but when you are the only child, you only use your house for sleep and rest. Ya feel? At least that is what I like to do. I play games. Yes I do, I used to be so addicted until I gave up. I stopped playing for like what? 2 months? I’m not even depressed or whatever. But again, if I have the opportunity to play, I would. Just not chasing my tail for it. As much as I love my parents, I would prefer being home alone. I am still smart enough to not walk around naked though, no. But I could do things without people asking me to eat, or change my clothes, or shower exactly when you wake up. As much as I get disgusted with myself. I know what I’m doing. I will eat when I feel like hungry only.  It was worst when I was still way to ill to be responsible. But luckily, I’m done with that state. 🙂

Anyways, I love my home but as much as I like to sleep.. Sigh…

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