My memorable trip

I am quite debating on which is my ‘most memorable’ trip of em’ all. BUT.. I have narrowed it down to 2, and I still can’t decide. </3 SOO… I’LL TALK ABOUT BOTH OF THEM.

As you can tell by the amount of childish things I love, I would probably say my favorite vacation was when I went to Disneyland at around the year of 2008. I was still quite young and at that age, I probably didn’t remember anything but I remember distinctly DISNEYLAND.


When I first came in, I just can’t not say NO to the glimpse of laughter, and the sound of children laughing and screaming in joy. It was in Hongkong and I was most probably the crazy one that jumps and points at EVERYTHING she sees. But I didn’t care. :3
I was one of the happiest, and I don’t want to seem spoiled but.. I do love shopping. So I did jump a lot at the gift store. I bought a lot of things, considering I want to remember this time forever. I bought things like a Minnie Mouse cap and a Mike Wazowski umbrella which is actually for a little bit of drizzle protection. I bought my closest friends some Disney pens which at the end, I got one special one.

I rode a lot of rides, since I haven’t felt any anxiety about big rides yet. But I do have them for clowns- no doubt! But anyway, me and my family stayed for the latest of the latest. We catch the parade and midnight fireworks by Aurora’s castle. We came during a winter time so it had a Christmas themed parade and I never complained about it. I was WAYYYYY too short to see the parade within the crowd so my uncle put me in his shoulders for me to witness everything. I remember it as it was just yesterday because I remember all the dancers and Christmas themed outfits. IT WAS LIKE THE BIGGEST DREAM COME TRUE.

Since one of my other favorite trip was out of the continent, I was always so excited by that statement. Although, now, I travel less than I used to. Its getting sad, but looking back at the memories is always the best. Talking about out of the continent, my other favorite trip was a week in Australia. Me and my family knew that a week isn’t enough. We had spent the time in Gold Coast which had the most beautiful sunset EVER, Sydney with its well known Opera House, Melbourne and a little road trip through Brisbane.

We spent nights and nights and NIGHTS of warm hot chocolate, rainy mornings and photography stops. Before, I didn’t really like them but now, I kinda regret not stopping by. I just remember our first meal was Subway, and we ate McDonalds every morning so.. on our first couple of days we always wake up ‘early’ to witness the best best best sunset ever. It was a nice glimpse of gold and dark pink or maroon. As soon as I see it I immediately woke up and absorb the beauty. I always have a thing with nature I do love daisies and daisies is nature, so is the sun. CALCULATED.
Our first time, we arrived there, it was early in the morning and we went to Movie world. Yes, our first destination. Since its in the morning and we had spent our nights in a plane, we did the most embarrassing thing. We slept in the car, of the parking lot of Movie World. I woke up first, and I see people staring at us, I laugh at the memory. But in there, it was great. We rode a ride I never thought I would ride. Like Superman or Batman rides. It was not as terrifying as I thought so thank goodness. I also bought a Harry Potter wand that belongs to Voldemort. We witness the parade as well, but in there, it was more of a classical feel. IT WAS GREAT. 🙂

We went traveling and walking around Sydney, it was really exciting, to be honest. It even rained, but luckily I still enjoyed the time. We rode a boat and went to the Opera House. We took (obviously) A LOT OF PICTURES. It was freezing on the other hand, but the cold didn’t bother me anyway. Anyway, we spent the night finding hot chocolate and trying new food. I have a really a picky food pallete so this is a big step up for me.

In Melbourne, we didn’t really do much. I remember meeting a couple of friends and visiting a couple of museums. It was a great experience to see new things, I remember going to a water park which I forgot either its in Sydney or Melbourne or…. Gold Coast? OR BRISBANE. It was a couple of years ago, APOLOGIES.

In Brisbane we had the smallest trip, we just past there to go to Melbourne. So we end up spending the day watching the last Harry Potter movie. I am not a big Harry Potter fan that time, although now, I kind of am wanting to watch the series. But that time I was genuinely confuse and haven’t watch the previous movies so now I’m going to watch the previous movies while I know what happen at the last movie. OOPS.

The story of the Australia part isn’t in order, I just remember Gold Coast first, then we had a road trip to Brisbane and went home to Indonesia from Sydney. But I KNOW I went to Melbourne though. Anyhow, I miss my trips so I suggest the school should make longer holidays just because ^^

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