School’s life ~(;-;)~

School basically eats up part of your life, to be very very honest. Except all the stress it puts on top of your shoulder, it gave us memories. ❤

I love all the busyness and friends it give BUT if it goes out of my reach and out of my comfort zone I hate it with all my might. Everyday, I come to the same classroom, doing a routine of studies with around the same amazing people. I have this habit to write down notes when a teacher is lecturing in front of me. I love classes that doesn’t involve understanding. To be very honest, I am quite careless and I obviously can’t make decisions on my own. So..

The community of the school is nyeh. Just kidding, but I have amazing friends. The kind of friends that will sarcastically punch you in the heart but also the one that will warm your heart when its freezing to death. ❤ Teachers here are also the welcoming kind, they understand you outside of class. As well as having the funniest, sassiest, sarcastic-est, weirdest, strictest, not-understanding-est, teachers but oh well.

My favorite parts of being in school are having field-trips. I am not excited on growing up to a new grade and have completely new studies and routines. I mean, after being used to a constant schedule for an entire year and change it again is quite terrifying to be honest. My favorite field-trip is mostly the ones that involve staying over, but recently I had been enjoying the ones that include planes and traveling. That is probably THE reason why I am excited of being in a new grade- able to travel to further places. Because traveling with friends IS DIFFERENT than with family.

I went to Jogja during 8th grade on the 2nd term. It was personally the biggest hype ever. I stayed in a villa, with 3 of the most annoying, and cruel people in this world amazing friends ever. Again, I’m a mess freak so when we had breakfast, I went back to our room and clean up the mess we made. The towels, bags, chargers, undergarments (lol), EVERYTHING. Jazzy spilled chocolate milk that night so we have this one brown towel in our bathroom- it looks like someone just done big business but its chocolate milk. Michelle and Gabby take the longest shower. No joke. These 2 are also VERY VERY MESSY. And since, Michelle is jealous that I only highlighted Jazzy’s chocolate milk incident. *smirk* I will mention some GOOD DEEDS Michelle do. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Also the other one that shall not be named. Michelle always brings silly things and always forget them. She misspell a lot of things. She got hearing problems mainly because she space out a lot.  BUT, one thing is that Jazzy, Michelle and I LOVE TO BULLY the other chic. She’s such a baby, yeah, Gabby. And also by far, the most messiest.  Once, Michelle, Gabby and other people from our batch had a cake fight in the fieldtrip. I was there to witness but of course stayed away from the fight. I can’t stand messy luggage- HOW CAN I SURVIVE WITH A CAKE FACE?

We went to Borobudur, one of the biggest tourist attractions in Jogja. I went there before a couple of times with my family, but going with my friends is another thing. We took a couple of pictures there and it was genuinely exciting and I have my own camera that basically end up being everyones’. ❤ We also watched and learned about the Mount Merapi. The dormant volcano in Jogja. We learn about other volcanoes as well but we learn mostly about the Merapi (as it is the museums’ name). We saw how it erupts, the things and people sacrificed, its like geography sprinkles in a big room.

I own a love and hate relationship with schooooooooooool. 😉 Too or frow, I’m thankful for the memories and knowledge it gave me. ❤

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